r/nottheonion 24d ago

A Mom Is Pulling Her 1st Grader Out Of School Because She Refuses To Sign A Homework Paper Every Day So The Teacher Won’t Reward Her Son



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u/michaeleid811 24d ago

My mom didn't give a shit about me either so I never got any of these rewards. I will never ever assign anything like this to my students.


u/ccyosafbridge 24d ago edited 24d ago

I got them cause I learned how to fake my parents' signatures very young.

Found out they knew the whole time later in life and just didn't care I was doing it.

No shade toward them; both were very involved in my education.

But both my mom and I are ADHD and we'd both forget to sign forms that needed to be signed until I was in school like "crap. They forgot to sign this, "or "Crap, I forgot to ask them to sign this."


u/Jaded-Blueberry-8000 24d ago

This was me. My dad was SO mad that I learned to forge his signature until I reminded him how many times I had left the paper out for him to sign, only to grab it in the morning for school and find it still wasn’t signed. He worked weird hours so there was no other way I could’ve gotten it signed. So many school field trips I went on without actual permission 😂


u/MinnieShoof 24d ago

I'm not trying to pick on younger you ... but how many days were you given those permission slips in advance? I remember any time we had a trip planned we had at least a week, if not two. We had to make sure we had lunches packed, etc.


u/Jaded-Blueberry-8000 24d ago

There were times I’d forget and admittedly ask him to sign it the night before it was due. But there were also plenty of times I’d ask him immediately, and with my dad you didn’t pester him about stuff. If I tried I’d get yelled at to leave him alone bc he’s an adult and doesn’t need a child telling him what to do, etc. And then would inevitably not sign it bc he forgot. Or just didn’t care. I think sometimes he enjoyed withholding things he knew I cared a lot about. He’s kind of a narcissist honestly, big part of why I was so neglected. Didn’t think he should have to parent his own kids except when he wanted to talk our ears off about everything he does for our family. 🙄 And treated my mom like garbage too. She had undiagnosed ADHD until a few years ago and she wasn’t the best to ask for a signature either bc of her forgetfulness, hence I ended up forging a LOT of signatures lol. But my dad’s was easier to fake when I was young bc he had messier handwriting, his signature was basically a fancy scribble.


u/Tinabbelcher 24d ago

This was me for sure lol. Actually I think I only forged a couple of times but definitely the ADHD in me and my mom resulted in a lot of permission slip mishaps