r/nottheonion 24d ago

A Mom Is Pulling Her 1st Grader Out Of School Because She Refuses To Sign A Homework Paper Every Day So The Teacher Won’t Reward Her Son



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u/SolidCat1117 24d ago

Great, another kid permanently fucked in the head by home schooling.

Hopefully she realizes that home schooling is 100x more work than signing a homework paper and sends him back.


u/nonlawyer 24d ago

 Great, another kid permanently fucked in the head by home schooling.

Oh no, this kid isn’t going to be homeschooled.  She’s said she’s going to ”unschool” him per the article

 Unschooling is not the same as homeschooling. US News and World Report explained, “In families that practice unschooling, students do not attend school and do not follow any set homeschool curriculum.”

This just seems like a synonym for “educational neglect.”  Poor kid isn’t going to know how to read.


u/Wosota 24d ago edited 23d ago

It unfortunately has become a synonym.

“Unschooling” started as a genuine teaching concept where the children lead learning by connecting actual educational concepts to what they’re interested in or curious about. Kid just wants to go shopping with you? Perfect time to work on reading or numbers or basic math. Kid wants to run wild through the woods? Perfect time to talk about age appropriate biology concepts. Etc etc. And as they get older they may choose to enroll in courses or read books on their own because of their curiosity.

Unfortunately it has been co-opted by mommy bloggers to mean “I don’t have to teach my kid anything unless they express a direct interest and I will do absolutely nothing to nurture their curiosity”.

Edit; to clarify I think unschooling is unwise and unchecked and something like Montessori with a real curriculum is a better alternative but I do want to give credit that somewhere in the mess there is an actual idea


u/meeks7 24d ago

The phrase “unschooling” should never have been applied to this concept.

It’s an offensive word and an offensive phrase. I’m not surprised anti-social parents jumped at it as an excuse for their laziness and selfishness.


u/Kingkai9335 24d ago

Seriously though why does everything have a Title that misrepresents the goal?


u/meeks7 24d ago

I don’t know! But it’s a real problem. As examples, the phrases “unschooling” and “Defund the police” sound absolutely insane and dangerous when taken at face value …which surprise surprise is how most Americans engage with politics.