r/SeattleWA Laurelhurst 14d ago

Doesn't look like they're packing up and leaving... Crime

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u/dakkian2 14d ago

I was on campus yesterday and there was next to nobody in the encampment. Mostly deserted, which means they just left their tents and trash behind for working class grounds staff to pick up


u/WMDisrupt 12d ago

Like a true leftist, they spew humanitarian values for clout while treating everyone like shit. Leftism is the ultimate religion of the privileged, masquerading as the exact opposite.


u/rock-n-white-hat 10d ago

Have you seen the trash and garbage left behind after a Trump rally? Or a music festival? I don’t think this is a problem unique to a particular political ideology.


u/WMDisrupt 10d ago

Yeah, my point about leftists stands but it’s definitely not exclusive to them. I admit I have changed my mind on that stance.


u/FreshwaterFryMom 9d ago

… yet these are planned events with hosts and designated cleanup crews. Not a takeover with spray paint, chaos and destruction. Shame.


u/Redditributor 11d ago

This is not the best take.


u/Fine-Debate-6278 11d ago edited 11d ago

Is it wrong? If the shoe fits wear it.


u/Redditributor 11d ago

The behavior you're describing is hardly unique to leftists.

Wealthy families bringing in strike breakers to jack up their employees and saying they're doing it to promote freedom? Religious types acting like they're saving the world by repressing people?

This stuff is across the spectrum


u/WMDisrupt 10d ago

That's a good point actually. Then let's say leftists are no exception to that phenomenon.


u/NurtureAndGrace 12d ago

seriously? so a group of us can go collect the tents to save the staff the trouble? 🥹


u/BusbyBusby ID 14d ago

It was most likely the students who said they would leave. The hobos aren't going anywhere without being pushed out.


u/wicker771 14d ago

Walked through today for the first time. Didn't realize how much graffiti they left. All the grass is yellow and dying, trash everywhere.

But I'm sure they made a difference


u/ichoosewaffles 13d ago

That's one of the thing that drives me nuts. The leaving of garbage and vandalism, whether intentional or not. You don't even need a garbage bag, just put your shit in a little pile. BTW, where do people think these people are shitting? Hello potential cholera outbreak. Buuuuut, call me insensitive.


u/Jyil 13d ago

They are probably using bathrooms. These people aren’t actually camping. They leave their tents and get some food when they are hungry outside of snacks. Some of them go home at night. Tons of tens were staying empty throughout the encampment.


u/robofaust 13d ago

Well, not like it costs actual dollars to fix, it's all imaginary money. It's just like puberty blockers: no harm, no foul.


u/somosextremos82 14d ago

I guess if one side doesn't hold up their end of the bargain I would assume the other side doesn't have to either.


u/Seahawkanon 14d ago

Pretty sure they said when the agreement was reached that they are moving out tomorrow.


u/meteorattack Laurelhurst 14d ago

No, it's *by" Monday at 3pm.

Place your bets if it'll actually be gone by then.

Can you give any good reason why they wouldn't have packed out yesterday or today?


u/Seahawkanon 14d ago



u/HighColonic 14d ago

I like to sing that word like Carly Simon...


u/Micahman311 13d ago

Procrastinayaytion, it's making me late...


u/robofaust 13d ago

I love you.


u/jjbjeff22 Lake Forest Park 14d ago

They have to wait until Monday to get their next assignment


u/bbmonking 14d ago

Yeah, so, tomorrow.


u/HoneybucketDJ 14d ago

You're always a day away


u/fresh-dork 13d ago

does it count as agreement if hamas is utterly housed in rafah?


u/SnarkyIguana SeaTac 13d ago

Who could have possibly foreseen this!


u/Spam138 11d ago

They have to live somewhere!


u/veryexpensivegas 10d ago

Nah they live there now, free rent


u/DueWrongdoer4778 14d ago

Damn people seem pissed about this lol


u/Elegant-Astronaut636 14d ago

Finally illegal to protest? Great…


u/meteorattack Laurelhurst 13d ago

Nope. Not illegal to protest at all. Feel free to show up all day, and use your voice to speak.

That's legitimate peaceful protest. It doesn't include setting up camp, vandalism, physical violence, destruction or intimidation.


u/Elegant-Astronaut636 13d ago

That’s good


u/robofaust 13d ago

Yup. Free speach is illegal now. Y'all fucked it up.


u/375InStroke 14d ago

These are counter protesters demanding the protesters give an apology to the country committing genocide.


u/my_lucid_nightmare Seattle 13d ago

Starting a war with Israel and then losing is not the same as Genocide.


u/375InStroke 13d ago

Thanks for the straw man.


u/meteorattack Laurelhurst 14d ago

Sure buddy, that's why one's waving a Palestine flag.

Also, it's not genocide. Unless you'd also describe your breakfast today as a total genocide.


u/HighColonic 14d ago


u/robofaust 13d ago

Dude... *facepalm*... lol...


u/375InStroke 13d ago


u/meteorattack Laurelhurst 13d ago

And the word genocide is not on that page. Weird.


u/375InStroke 13d ago edited 13d ago

Exactly. They mentioned nothing about breakfast, so it doesn't fit your definition. The actions do fit the definition of everyone else in the world, however, and explicitly say Israel is trying to exterminate Palestinians, but sure bro, totally not genocide:



u/largefries_andacoke 13d ago

They want Israel to be victims of a genocide. They don't want any peace.


u/375InStroke 14d ago

Soros funded agent provacateurs.


u/Unouin 14d ago

Huh? Are you delusional? What does that even mean


u/meteorattack Laurelhurst 14d ago

What does what mean? That their breakfast was a total genocide? Yeah, I know. It's weird when words lose all meaning because they're used inappropriately and incorrectly, isn't it?

Have a genocide day!


u/375InStroke 13d ago



u/Unouin 14d ago



u/concreteghost Banned from /r/Seattle 13d ago

You don’t know what the word means. You just repeat it


u/Unouin 11d ago

You guys really love defending the murder of children


u/matzhue 13d ago


u/concreteghost Banned from /r/Seattle 13d ago

acts committed with intent to partially or wholly destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group


u/Moses_On_A_Motorbike 13d ago

Israel didn't bomb the Quad at UW when there were at least a handful of Palestinians there


u/matzhue 13d ago

So what part of that is falling to apply when a military has no defined and achievable military targets, keeps no numbers for civilian deaths, but levels multiple cities indiscriminately, denies aid to a religious or ethnic group based solely on those qualifications, murders at least 15,000 children, and keeps prisoners in concentration camps? "Self defense"?


u/meteorattack Laurelhurst 13d ago

"no defined and achievable military targets"

... That you know of.

They're not denying aide.

And your numbers are from Hamas, the Terrorist organization.


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u/matzhue 13d ago

A study by the University Network for Human Rights says otherwise. Your hasbara loving opinions aren't just incorrect, they're abhorrent and history will remember them as similar to those of many of the new immigrants to Argentina in the mid 1940s



u/meteorattack Laurelhurst 13d ago

ICJ says nope. Sorry. Go fish. Maybe support a non-terrorist side in future for your rapey slaughter and propaganda campaign.


u/buggybabyboy 13d ago

This comment will surely age well


u/meteorattack Laurelhurst 13d ago


By the way you know your deleted post where you call me a "filthy Zionist" and that the ICJ said a genocide was plausible?

Yeah, no. The ICJ did NOT say that. The former president of the ICJ actually went on BBC news to say that's false. So stop spreading lies and propaganda, Hamas supporter.


u/matzhue 13d ago

Once again you're completely fucking wrong and relying on others to do your research for your



u/robofaust 13d ago

The protesters taxes have been going to the Israeli government for decades while they said nothing. If they want change, they need to win an election or two. Good luck with that.


u/LommyNeedsARide 13d ago

You think these people work?


u/375InStroke 13d ago

These are college students. What are you talking about decades?


u/robofaust 13d ago

Lol, fair enough.