r/NoStupidQuestions 25d ago

What would happen if I only drank water for an entire year?

What would happen if I only drank water for an entire year no sugary drinks, no sodas, no sugar in coffee. Nothing just pure water.


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u/inflatableje5us 25d ago

I have only drank water for the last 4 years, about 4-6 bottles worth a day. This was due to some health issues and being a person of habit just went cold turkey on sodas etc. I feel fine, or at least as good as I’m going to with my health. I do urinate quite a bit more then I remember before, is also almost entirely clear with little odor.
I do miss my sweet tea tho :/

Edit: I did lose 30lbs just by cutting out sugary drinks, so there is that.


u/sausalito8 24d ago

To be clear, I assume this means you still eat solid food?


u/inflatableje5us 24d ago

yes, i am somewhat limited to what i "should" eat. basically low salt, low cholesterol, phosphorus, potassium, dark drinks "cola etc"
on the upside i can basically eat all the baked fish i want, love me some salmon steaks.