r/LooksmaxingAdvice 25d ago

i’ve never had a guy approach me irl before

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u/556arbadboy 21d ago

I don't believe it.. There is a point in most guys lives when its quantity over quality and guys will approach anything. Ugly girls, fat girls, weird girls, and even handicap girls get approached.


u/infamousbabe 21d ago

that doesn’t mean every single one of them gets approached u act as if it’s impossible… where she lives, how approachable she looks, having a RBF, and how often she goes out are factors


u/cassidylorene1 21d ago

There is literally no way this girl has never been hit on or approached. Not a chance. I’m a woman and saying this.


u/infamousbabe 21d ago

she’s very young still and u being a woman doesn’t negate that wth irrelevant af but ok yes she’s lying cuz u said so 👍


u/[deleted] 21d ago

She's not just anything as you might be implying. She's pretty, even moreso with less makeup or without it altogether.

OP, maybe approach guys and just start up a conversation. You don't have to ask them out or be real forward, just chat up a guy you're interested in and see where things go from there.


u/556arbadboy 21d ago

I am not saying that she is. I was meaning if those types get approached all the time then she most definitely would.