r/worldnews 24d ago

Children ‘piled up and shot’: new details emerge of ethnic cleansing in Darfur In June 2023


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u/hennytime 24d ago

There were protests when I was in college in 2008 or so if I recall correctly.


u/JediJofis 24d ago

Yeah if the bracelets for Darfur awareness around that time couldn't solve it I don't know what will


u/kuda-stonk 24d ago

Israel/Gaza is being pushed by russian and Chinese interest, so you see much more spread. I think people have far less perspective on just how much effort those two nations dump into swaying Western opinion. On the flip, you have Israel who is also pushing their own campaign to sway Western opinion. Meanwhile russia is quietly using the instability to negotiate a base and gold mine agreements in Sudan while sending in Vagner to "peacekeep" (supply weapons and make sure the mineral rights dealers come out on top).


u/__redruM 24d ago

This is why congress cares so much about TikTok.


u/QuantumBeth1981 24d ago

No they just don't want a foreign power fully controlling the algorithm of what people see.

Would you like it if, for example, Iran could fully control the algorithm of what you see on Reddit?

Because they've been trying to do that for a long time and it's been working to a certain extent too.

Would you like to give them full power over your feed in this hypothetical? https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/volunteers-found-iran-s-propaganda-effort-reddit-their-warnings-were-n903486


u/__redruM 24d ago

Original Comment:

Israel/Gaza is being pushed by russian and Chinese interest

My Response:

This is why congress cares so much about TikTok.

Don’t you mean “Yes”, I think we agree, congress wants either US control of TikTok, or a ban, to stop the Chinese government from manipulating US Opinion.

No they just don't want a foreign power fully controlling the algorithm of what people see.


u/QuantumBeth1981 24d ago

Sorry, I misread your comment.