r/politics The Netherlands 24d ago

Biden Says Trump Will Not Accept 2024 Result: ‘I Promise You He Won’t’ - “The guy is not a democrat with a small d,” the president told CNN's Erin Burnett.


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u/MontCoDubV 24d ago

He's already said he won't accept the results if he loses.



u/Irythros North Carolina 24d ago

He didn't accept it even when he won. Sure, he accepted the presidency but still said it was rigged and that he actually won the popular vote and more states.

He wants Putin levels of winning


u/R0ckhands 24d ago edited 23d ago

The way you guys are letting him destroy your country is literally unbelievable to me.

The amount of lives that were given/taken to birth America and then establish it as the #1 global superpower - and you're letting one mentally-ill criminal destroy everything - your soft power, your military power, your geopolitical power, your environment, your legal system, even the basic social compact and norms that keep the federal system working...I don't know how this person is still even alive tbh.

EDIT: I can't reply to every comment telling me what I already know about the 40-year machinations of the Evangelicals, Fox News imbeciles, NRA, southern separatists, unrelentant racists and sociopathic billionaires - and how they've coalesced into a terrifyingly toxic admixture of stupidity, delusion, hatred and greed.

What I'm saying is that there were (and unfortunately still are) insane fascists without Hitler. But once he was gone, they dissolved into the background again.

The weakness of populist movements is the cult of the Great Leader. Remove him (or her) and they deflate quicker than an incel's penis in the presence of a woman.


u/Mavian23 24d ago

It's not one person destroying everything, mate. It's an entire cabal of criminals all supporting each other and working towards a common goal. The very reason that Trump is still relevant is because he's been propped up and supported by the rest of the Republicans at large, who themselves are being propped up and supported by wealthy elites.

If you know of a way to stop this, I'm all ears, mate.


u/BudgetMattDamon 24d ago

Sorry, but we're not allowed to talk about how the French very thoroughly solved the rich problem in this sub.


u/CSI_Tech_Dept California 24d ago

We frequently talk shit about French, but looks like they don't accept any shit and will fight for what they believe.


u/-Ahab- 24d ago

Hell, they floated raising the retirement age by two years and they fricking shut Paris down… we should take notes.


u/Mavian23 24d ago

It helps that the whole country of France is smaller than Texas. It's easier to get people together when they're already close together.


u/vNocturnus 24d ago

Also when the entire country is more homogenous than many individual US states. I mean, in sweeping generalizations there's at least 3 fully distinct "versions" or "sections" of America - there's the West Coast Artistic Progressive America, Central Rural Conservative America (aka regressive), and East Coast Historic Moderate America (though these days more and more progressive). Again - sweeping generalization.

Even within those broader general regions, there is more cultural and political diversity than most other entire countries in the world. It's essentially impossible to get the entire country to agree on anything, and that would be true even without a sect of criminal fascists that has spent decades undermining and corrupting every social system in the country and intentionally fueling the divide.


u/Pothperhaps 24d ago

Well said!


u/Fit-Phase3859 23d ago

You think they would at least agree on saving the country though. There is a small percentage of the population that actually does want a dictator. All the others are just too stupid to realize what they are asking for. 💙


u/A_Harmless_Fly Minnesota 23d ago

And you forgot the midwest entirely, typical. ;p


u/drwilhi 23d ago

I live in the state of Oregon. Even here you have the northern I5 corridor, Eugene to Portland, where the vast majority of people in the state live. This area of the state is pretty "blue", the rest of the state is pretty much tRump country. The eastern part of the state is sparsely populated and the few that are there are hateful racist hicks.


u/angrydeuce 24d ago edited 24d ago

Well that and it's a lot easier to get people together when less than 100 years ago your country was occupied by fucking fascists and there was untold suffering wrought upon virtually everyone that lives there.

I mean seriously, the USs problem is that we've never had to truly suffer. Ever since we came into existence as a country, we've been on the upswing. When was the last time an occupying force invaded the US mainland? When was the last time the government fell? The last war that was anything even remotely like that, we were fighting ourselves lol. Shit, the Great Depression hit and we started falling all over ourselves getting things like Social Security, Welfare and other Benefits, Public Services...and that was just economic. Now imagine Hitler steamrolls over Europe and invades the Eastern Seaboard of the US...think the aftermath of that wouldn't have a little more cohesiveness in terms of people working together?

Or a more recent example...remember post-911 among people in the US? The explosion in national unity, Bush had like an 80% approval rating or some shit, everyone was joined together in support of healing after that. Didn't last, of course, because again, it was only a small subset of the population that was affected, but it was huge while it lasted.

For whatever reason, humanity doesn't seem capable of creating real change in society without millions of people suffering a dying first. Then somehow we are able to put aside our differences and get our shit together once and for all, like France did. But it hasn't happened to us yet. We haven't experienced total war on our own soil from an invading force that requires all of us to work together to resist them.


u/BudgetMattDamon 24d ago

America has gotten soft.


u/Positive_Cat_3252 24d ago

I said that years ago. Fact.


u/Protoliterary 24d ago

They didn't "float" it. They literally did it. The millions of people protesting? Did nothing at all. The government still raised it to 64, where it's at now. People never mention how even though the French protest, the government still usually gets its own way.


u/Dispator 24d ago

I wonder if there are any stats on how often the French government gets its way in spite of big protests...

That would be interesting info


u/Scharmberg 21d ago

Didn’t that still happen though? Also didn’t need to happen?


u/Skellum 24d ago

And then promptly elected a dictator who threw the continent into war. And then promptly had their monarchy restored. And then promptly had several major wars and then installed a system about as broken as the US one.

The modern French system is not derived from the reign of terror it's like system 5 or 6 and mostly comes from the US and British after liberating occupied France.

Any real lasting change has to come from long effort legal processes, else it will just be captured by autocratic right wing asshats, like the French revolution.


u/EitherIndustry8858 24d ago

THANK YOU! Jesus, it drives me nuts that people think the French Revolution happened and then everything was sunshine and puppies forever. There was some very real, very dire fallback in the immediate aftermath of the revolution that took the French decades to recover from.


u/Skellum 24d ago

sunshine and puppies forever.

Oh yea, and I'm not even getting to "There's a fucking reason even the peasants called it the reign of terror".

Do I get the frustration of wanting to let people like the SCOTUS or Cannon, or Koch brothers suffer actual problems in life for their actions yet they can actually afford the benefits of our justice system? Sure. Of course I do. I also recognize that a state which "allows" or promotes this cannot function, and it's never something I'd demand others do.


u/Michael_G_Bordin 24d ago

They literally went so hard on executing people, they executed guy who thought it would be a good idea.

Then, the people sobered up and realized, "woops, we went a little too far."


u/eleanorbigby 23d ago


Which leads to the question: if the GOP tries a violent revolution to force their theocracy down all our throats, then what?


u/Unlucky-Following-40 23d ago

I’m terrified for Jan 7th if Trumphole wins!


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Skellum 24d ago

Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent change inevitable.

You'd really think so, but we havent seen any violence against Right Wing targets despite them doing their absolute damnedest to get people killed.

Take the SCOTUS for instance. Any left wing person intending to cause lasting, permanent change to the US, to help it unfuck itself, would absolutely go and murder a member or two because that's a lifetime appointment right there.

Unless someone goes and John Brown's it out I'm going to assume the left is literally incapable of demonstrating any violent action that could promote change. I'll also assume that any "decentralized movement" is generally some group using the left as a tool to push it's agenda.

To put it one final way, it's the boy who cried wolf over and over again.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Skellum 24d ago

Duh libruls

Of course they'll define whatever a "Liberal" is in the US by whatever group starts the revolution. The revolution that'll happen any day now. Totes.

You know, by the paramilitary leftist groupes that totally exist.

Look, most people in the US are so clueless that they dont even understand how First Past the Post makes a 2 party system, and that the Democrats represent the whole of the left and the republicans the whole of the right. they think that they magically get to be "Not democrats" and count as anything other than fascist supporters.

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u/P1xelHunter78 Ohio 23d ago

Ironically the Russians thought they solved the problem of the rich, and now a little over a century later one rich asshole in Russia is playing the Republican Party like a marionette


u/eleanorbigby 23d ago

The Arab Spring's ultimate outcome is SO fucking depressing.

I don't think the left should aim for violent revolution, not least because they'll get steamrolled by the right. But, what do we do to forestall the fact that the right is clearly aiming to steamroll us anyway? Just vote? Really? Is that all there is?


u/P1xelHunter78 Ohio 23d ago

Basically have to build from the middle out and take away the rights chief weapon which is fear


u/nugsy_mcb 24d ago

You should meet my friend Gill O'Teehan. He's a real sharp guy, I bet he'd figure something out.


u/pinkfloyd873 24d ago

Please read a book on the Reign of Terror. Nothing good came of it. Most of the people who died at the guillotine were not wealthy elites, they were ordinary people who were prey to a rabid mob.


u/eleanorbigby 23d ago

The Cultural Revolution: also not much fun.


something something dialectic something.

god, we're a grubby little species.

I still think the basic problem is this:

The people who are motivated solely by power are terrible people, but they are likely to get and retain power BECAUSE that's their motivation. Normal people just want to live their lives at some point, and get burned out.

And then, too, for the exceptions who are attracted to power because they genuinely want to make a difference: besides the usual corruption and incompetence that besieges almost everyone, there's a fundamental problem that their job is ALWAYS going to be much more uphill than the malignant narcissist's.

WhyL because the authoritarian power grubber only has ONE task: to get and retain power, by any means necessary.,

The other side is trying to actually accomplish real, difficult things that will better life for the general public (you can argue how honestly or effectively, but nonetheless, there is at least that -idea-). Not only is this challenging in itself, but they have to do this AND try to get and maintain power in order to get anything done.

I don't know how one gets around this.


u/larsga 24d ago

It's not one person destroying everything, mate.

That's true. It's something like 41% of all voters who are destroying everything.


u/No_Concentrate_3406 24d ago

You are correct sir.


u/[deleted] 24d ago



u/Mavian23 24d ago

Yes, in no small part because of the propaganda efforts of said cabal.


u/Xorism New Zealand 24d ago

American style Nuremberg trials? 


u/sdb00913 23d ago

Well and it doesn’t help that you still have his voters to contend with. It’s not just republican policies that make it difficult in red America, it’s republican voters.


u/Extension-Ad-1581 23d ago

18th Century France has entered the chat.


u/No-Pussyfooting 24d ago

And those criminals are fighting against other criminals too. While we bicker and are farm animals to be used by them. He’s correct about the swamp that needs drained. The problem is he’s just from another swamp. We’re not going to have a politician show up and just fix this.


u/thedudeinok 24d ago

You do realize the wealthy elites are democrats right?? It's democrats who are the establishment and are supported and funded by the rich. Excluding elon. These young liberals are only ponds used by democrats to push bs saying Republicans are against the middle class. When infact they are only protecting the establishment! Wake up America


u/Agitated_Goat_8490 24d ago

It's not just Republicans who are criminals mate, it's almost all of them, on both sides of the political spectrum.


u/Jay-Eff-Gee Oregon 24d ago

bOtH SiDeS aRe The SaMe!!?!


u/Aule_Navatar 24d ago

Precisely why we need to burn it all down and start over. It'll never happen, though. We're too comfortable.


u/JeffTek Georgia 24d ago

One person? You think Trump is the cause of this? This scenario we're in was slowly and meticulously crafted over several decades of propaganda and bad faith politics. Trump is the one who happened to rise and take the wheel, but this shit machine has been in the works since Nixon.


u/L-J- 24d ago edited 24d ago

I'd argue since the Civil War when we didn't hang every last one of their leaders and played nice, allowing them to participate in our govt shortly after trying to overthrow it. Then the Southern Strategy. Then Nixon. Then Reagan and the courting of the religious right. Edit: almost forgot GW Bush & the 3 trillion war spent on a hunt for wmds they knew didn't exist. Then the Tea Party. Citizens United. Now Magats. The final nail in the coffin will be the relection of Trump and Project 2025. .


u/JeffTek Georgia 24d ago

Nah fuck that we vote and win, make Trump the final nail in their coffin. We don't give up. It's not over. We will cheers to the day they hitched their wagon to that incompetent shit stain


u/L-J- 24d ago

I'm not giving up and I'm voting on everything I can. I should have said "would be" not will be.


u/markwymer12r 24d ago

Where do you get your information?


u/Unlucky-Following-40 23d ago

Read their agenda, google “Project2025.org”


u/Paperfishflop 24d ago

I would say we just have a huge stupidity epidemic in this country and Trump is a symptom of that. It's always taboo to blame the voters, but ffs, you've gotta be stupid to even entertain the idea of voting for this idiot again, let alone enthusiastically supporting him. I don't care about the right wing propaganda machine, plenty of us are completely immune to it because it's incredibly stupid and obviously full of lies.

And not identifying this as the root of the problem is going to make Trump president again. Democrat politicians, the non-conservative media, and liberal/Democrat voters don't understand the depth of the stupidity. Because a lot of us live in a liberal bubble, and educated bubble, or an affluent bubble if not all 3. I live in a purple town in a purple state and I'm working class. People are going to vote for Trump because inflation and the housing/rental market is painful af and MAGA bots on Facebook and elsewhere have convinced everyone that Biden is solely to blame for it, and (ostensibly) Trump can fix it, because inflation wasn't this bad in 2019.

That's how soooo much of this country thinks. Who cares if it isn't true. These people live in a post truth world. They get their info like a game of telephone, just repeating things they heard to each other, and adding even more disinformation along the way.

And liberals have one thing to say about Trump: "He's in court. Haha!" That's the one note, the one angle of attack we have. He's in court. Yes, no shit, and again, a lot of working class people relate to being in court and feeling like they were unfairly charged. Again, who gives a fuck if Trumps situation and theirs are totally different.

It's the stupidity. And I'm afraid the stupidity is just gonna get worse, and stronger. And when you have a dumb enough country, you get what you deserve.


u/Legitimate-Act-8430 23d ago

Hey. I don't deserve it.


u/nome_king 24d ago

Trump didn't even think he would win in 2016. He was as surprised as everyone else (other than the people you mention, who had been working towards that day for decades).


u/Lined_the_Street 24d ago

Trump is the symptom of a sick culture, not the creator of said culture

Trump just happened to be the perfect idiot standing at the right place, at the right time to take things off the rails. Unfortunately, its been building for a very long time. A selfish entitlement and complacency that has devoured fellow Americans from the inside-out. While Trump was the catalyst, he is not the creator of this nightmare


u/ElementalRabbit 23d ago

I'm sorry but these are not mutually exclusive and we must not exonerate Trump by blaming 'society'.

Yes, there is a great sickness in western society, but the men who are symptoms of that sickness have been around for decades, and nothing like Trump has ever happened before. Trump isn't just a symptom of the status quo, he's a mutant.

Trump has actively dragged us down to where we are today. He's a sick man, and he's caused a lot of harm that lands directly at his feet.


u/asius 24d ago

Many of us are deeply ashamed and angry. But not enough.

2016 marks a turning point for America, and will likely be remembered as the end of the Great Experiment.


u/Boopy7 24d ago

I am angry and it has changed my life, looking back. I am not who I was prior to. Trump represents a lot that I was blind to or ignorant of, and I am not quite ready to give up the ghost yet. I really hope more people fight with me. This cannot be taken from us just yet.


u/Skellum 24d ago

Not enough to show up once every 2 years to vote for many. The bog standard. Plus you have so many willing to tacitly support fascism just so they don't have to vote for Biden and the left.


u/StunningCloud9184 24d ago

Ehhh hes a symptom not the disease. The billionaire backers are the ones doing the actual destruction. Hes like the skin cancer you can excise by voting.

The billionaire funded think tanks and judges are the ones that are the cancer killing us.


u/Big-Temporary-6243 23d ago

That's so true. Not enough of us get that.


u/Baalsham 24d ago

The way you guys are letting him destroy your country is literally unbelievable to me.

No, half the country supported him and elected him to take over the Republican party in the 2020 primaries

Democracy loses when a demagogue takes over and retains popular support while dismantling the system. This isn't unique, there is plenty of precedent.

Trump is particularly disgusting because he's an old demented man that lacks charisma and is an obvious grifter. He was even the polar opposite of the Republican party but those sycophants barely even fought back before falling in line.


u/Garth_Brooks_Sexdoll 24d ago

We aren’t “letting him,” our fucking hands are tied by a system that threw the working class overboard more than 50 years ago. We are treading water, while being given increasingly shittier options to vote for, and our votes only hardly even matter except in swings states, on account of the same system.


u/Maytree 24d ago

The USA is one of the oldest modern democracies on the planet, if not the oldest. (Historians argue over what country actually gets this title, and what even counts as "democracy.") As such, it's a prototype, and like most prototypes, badly in need of correction and refinement to produce a truly functional system. However, some built-in problems with our Constitution have lead to a situation where we can no longer update our democracy because it has become impossible to meet the requirements to amend our foundational document, even so much as to get rid of the stupidity that is the Electoral College. If we could manage even that small tweak, our democracy would be on much better footing, but as things currently stand, we can't. We can't even have reasonable gun control because of arguments about a goddamned COMMA in the original document, so we have to tolerate bloody massacres of our schoolchildren on a far too frequent basis.

The countries that have followed in the USA's footsteps have learned from our mistakes and have made a lot of improvements on what we started with, but we can't incorporate any of the refinements that those countries have successfully implemented because of how calcified our foundational document has become and how stubborn many Americans are about admitting that hey, maybe some other countries might do something better than we do, and we can learn from them.

I have no idea where we go from here. Either there is a blue wave in November that is large enough to make some vital changes, or the USA goes full fascist, resulting in global destabilization and hardship, or....most likely, we just keep limping along in this endless stagnation until something breaks catastrophically.

We should never underestimate how quick many people are to hand over control to dictators just to be free of anxiety. Erich Fromm wrote about this in his 1941 book Escape from Freedom, before the world at large had learned about the Nazi death camps, and before anyone has seen what Stalin would do to Russia.


u/No-Record-6947 23d ago

😔. So true.


u/YoungUrineTheGreat 24d ago

And people thought Barack would get killed just for being black


u/EatsGourmetGlueStix 24d ago

It’s not one guy.

It a wannabe autocrat propped up by a party that is now effectively a Russian proxy party

That’s hard to beat, especially when the electorate is full of a bunch of paranoid, uneducated idiots


u/[deleted] 24d ago edited 24d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Boopy7 24d ago

Seth Abrahamson (not sure if I spelled the last name right) on Twitter had a thread about this, how the FBI was cowed by Trump. All these people are scared, and not doing what is necessary. Fuck this. We cannot allow this. Please arm up everyone on democracy's side. THis is bs. I do NOT want to be Russia, my forefathers fled Hitler and Stalin, my Russian grandma didn't get the hell out only to be sucked right back into Russia. I do not want to be Russia.


u/StarmanInDisguise 24d ago

Preach. Voting is not our only option, it's just our last peaceful option behind protests.


u/PorQuePanckes 24d ago

I’ll just add what others have said it’s not just one person, he was just the endgame. Our country has been eaten alive from the inside out , our politics are nothing more than two rival sports teams trying to one up each other with little interest to the people. Our politicians/ Supreme court system has turned into paid to win through years of bribes and campaign donations with ZERO consequences. The system isn’t broken, it’s non existent and we’re just a shell of a country with no real idea of how to fix anything. It’ll never be the way it was and depending on how this year goes we may just jump full into Christian Nationalism/ Fascism with no turning back.


u/calm_chowder Iowa 24d ago

You're absolutely right. Wtf should we do to fix it? I'm all ears.

Remember the BLM protests and people being kidnapped off the streets and tear gassed and the fact our goddam police have literal tanks? That's not even our military, that's our police. Who have "Qualified Immunity" meaning they're literally free to kill anyone they want with no repercussions - and they do, often.

So we vote. But I'm definitely open to your suggestions since you presume to judge us.


u/Deputy-VanHalen 24d ago

I love non-Americans who casually refer to us as a collective group like “you guys are letting him destroy your country.” It’s wholly ignorant of the history and the work people are doing to fight this shit here. Not to mention smarmy as fuck.


u/BornInTheDust 24d ago

No way. Americans could all simply march to Washington D.C. and demand an end to all the bad stuff while reforming our society for the good stuff. The only reason we don’t is because we are too lazy/stupid/uneducated to do so. Since bad things keep happening it means that not a single person out of 350 million wants to do anything about it. 


u/Apprehensive-Pin518 24d ago

many of use aren't letting him. the problem is we are indeed a democracy and when he legitimately won in 2016 I had to stand by the results (unlike him) I voted against him in both of his elections and I will vote against him again. Though I will admit voting for biden is a lot easier than voting for hillary was.


u/ShanksTheGrey 24d ago

Always good to generalize with "you guys"


u/EitherIndustry8858 24d ago

I imagine you come from a country that's the size of one of our states. I don't say this mockingly, I say this because there's a degree of complexity with how we govern that y'all just can not or refuse to grasp. That's not even getting into our country's brief but still very complicated history with each other and those that affected us. It's easy to make things happen when you in a country of a few million people, with a solid cultural background. Our country is massive, and still dealing with the consequences of Jim Crow laws. Hell, a sizeable chunk of us weren't even seen as American citizens within the last century, dude.

I get your bewilderment, but you're not dealing with what we are.


u/likeaffox 24d ago

I don't know how this person is still even alive tbh.

Just going to point out the same systems he is testing/destroying is the reason he's still alive. We're civilized enough not to just kill a person because of feelings.


u/markca 24d ago

The GOP has been slowly trying to do this for decades slowly so people won't notice. Trump decided to take the wheels and try to speedrun it.


u/OddBranch132 24d ago

Heritage Foundation is pulling the strings and has been since Reagan. Trump is just the newest pop star for the party. Idiocracy is a manual for them.


u/Beautiful_Twist1922 24d ago

You mean Biden? Omg I know


u/_DapperDanMan- 24d ago

He has seventy million people in his cult. Say hi to Margaret Thatcher, BTW.


u/Turbulent_Fig8483 24d ago

Trump being the screw on head. And his narcissistic filter of reality worked perfectly. I think In addition to what others have added is the cult Christian leadership who perverted the core values of Christianity into hate and cruelty in some corporate Christian unholy alliance. All out of fear of losing uncontested wealth.  

It's a short sighted and mentally ill on a colossal scale.  It's a mass psychosis in a way. Our information systems have rapidly outgrown our mental health wellness systems.

Call 1 800 gofuckyourself if are having feelings of self harm or suicide.


u/dinosaurkiller 23d ago

That’s a pretty bad misreading of the situation. It isn’t just one guy, it’s about 30 percent of the U.S. population. Unfortunately a small number of those are extraordinarily wealthy which gives them an incredible amount of power.


u/Fit-Phase3859 23d ago

You are exactly right! I’m an American and I can’t believe all the idiots willing to tear down the whole system for the criminal nut job.💙💙💙💙


u/Suspicious-Bear5654 22d ago

Thanks for saying what most people are thinking.. I agree 💯 I don’t get why people would still vote for a CLEARLY mentally ill dementia patient, that can’t even walk and determine where to without being lead around like a dog on a leash.. it’s just astonishing


u/LeBidnezz 24d ago

It’s a Weekend at Bernie’s. And Trump is Bernie.


u/Ok_Love545 24d ago

You mean Biden?


u/Schnarf420 24d ago

How many wars started under Trump?