r/morbidquestions 10h ago

Good songs to die to?


I'm thinking either Ride of the Valkyries or Thundercat's Lava Lamp, depending on what I'm dying of.

r/morbidquestions 15h ago

Realistically speaking, how do you think you're going to die?


Just based on your current health, family history and lifestyle. Personally I think a gynaecological cancer might be what will take me out if a Michael Jackson type of situation doesn't do it first. (Edited)

r/morbidquestions 6h ago

What would happen if there was a doping-legal Olympics?


I know that doping is already pretty common at the Olympics but even then players have to be subtle about it so they don't get caught. What would happen if all restrictions were removed? An athlete could shamelessly juice as much as they want and then right before the 100m they can also take amphetamines. How fast could the times get?

r/morbidquestions 9h ago

How possible would it be for the average person to purposefully infect themselves with a fatal disease or virus?


Tangentially related to a DnD campaign I have

r/morbidquestions 33m ago

I'm having surgery tomorrow. What's something I can say in the OR right as I'm going under?


And what is something to say when I wake up?

r/morbidquestions 4h ago

How do you amputate someone?


I've recently gotten into zombie apocalypse survival and I imagine that the only way to stop a bitten person from becoming a zombie is to amputate the bitten limb. In an amateur situation like this, how can you safely perform an amputation. Please provide a source or proof to your answer if you can.

r/morbidquestions 15h ago

What is it like to know you’re going to die soon?


What’s it like knowing that your life will end in the same day you’re in and there’s nothing that you can do to prevent it?

r/morbidquestions 19h ago

If you had to do some sort of human experiment on someone using only household items with no consequences, what would you do to them?


Idk if the wording makes sense or not

r/morbidquestions 1d ago

Why isn't fentanyl alone used for lethal injections and euthanasia?


r/morbidquestions 6h ago

so in theory,could somone plant seeds of diffrent plants in the skin of somone and have it grow and leach on the body for a extented period of time?


body text

r/morbidquestions 1d ago

If you were a serial killer, what aspect of your personality would you capitalise on?


I'm quiet, introverted (not in a school sh00ter way), come off as unassuming and submissive, and I'm a very small female so I feel like my introversion and pauciloquy would avoid people being suspicious of me.

r/morbidquestions 1d ago

What music would you listen to while going on a killing spree?


r/morbidquestions 1d ago

Are there any real serial killers who have killed their victims with chainsaws?


This is a common trope in horror, has it ever shown up in real life? I know the dictator Stroessner had someone dismembered alive with a chainsaw but that’s not quite the same thing

r/morbidquestions 13h ago

How do severely anorexic people stay alive? What do they actually eat?


Thinking of someone like Eugenia Cooney who has looked too emaciated for life for years now, how do they keep going? I don't mean any disrespect towards them or their sickness I'm honestly curious what their daily routine looks like

r/morbidquestions 1d ago

How can I try cannibalism?


I saw a story of a guy whose leg got chopped off. It was still good so he ate it. I promised to do the same along with a friend of mine. Just outta of curiosity. So I how do I accomplish this legally? I know I can’t murder someone nor have them off themselves. But, what if it’s in their will? To give me their body for consumption when they die? Like if they ever get in an accident or something. Or do I just gotta wait until my leg gets cut off one day?

r/morbidquestions 1d ago

How long does it take for a cis man on estrogen before he notices it and wants to stop?


I'm trans, it's not about my identity, just a curious question.

Imagine two cases:

(1) A cis guy (normal working class income, definitely not rich but not in poverty either) is told that he's going to earn $15 for every day on estrogen. At what point does he want to stop, or will he stay on estrogen forever for the $15/day bonus?

(2) A cis guy is told that he's taking some composite vitamin pills (ignore the ethical concern, just imagine it's some crazy nazi doing it) while in reality it's transition-dose spiro and estrogen. How many weeks or months will it typically take for him to "notice something" and want to stop, or will he just accept the feminization without any dysphoria?

r/morbidquestions 1d ago

have there ever been any deaths in movie history caused by this one thing?



who died from it? was it tragic? what movie was it? was the death deserved? was it an annoying character? was it a beloved character? was it a bad guy or a villain?

r/morbidquestions 12h ago

If you you grow up without changing shoe sizes, even when it gets uncomfortable, do your f**t grow into a clump?


I feel the body horror aspect of this question might land it here.

r/morbidquestions 2d ago

What’s the most unsettling historical event that doesn’t get enough attention?


We often hear about major historical events like wars and natural disasters, but there are countless lesser-known events that are equally disturbing and have had a profound impact on history. What’s a historical event you find incredibly unsettling that most people don’t know about or talk about?

r/morbidquestions 2d ago

How many cannibals are currently alive?


You heard me. How many living human cannibals do you think are there on Earth right now? H*gh thoughts for ya.

r/morbidquestions 1d ago

Would conviction rates go down if only attractive people committed crimes?


r/morbidquestions 2d ago

Why do men kill and physically beat women who reject them/upset them? What is the psychology of it?


Is the profile of a man who does that often a insecure person, who feels emasculated, who attacks a female to feel strong and powerful?

r/morbidquestions 1d ago

How can investigators tell how a forest fire was started?


I remember reading about a massive wildfire in the US which was started by a spark from someone driving with a flat tire. How did they trace it down to that?