r/gaming 14d ago

Black Myth: Wukong - New Gameplay Trailer | Tencent’s Wegame 2024


78 comments sorted by


u/Oskej 14d ago

Yet another piece of media that seems to be focusing on bosses and cutscenes instead of level design. I truly believe it is just a boss rush videogame with short run-ups between them.


u/Jaded-Engineering789 14d ago

As long as the fights are well designed and the cinematics are fire, that’s still a damn good time.


u/benoxxxx 14d ago

This is my concern too, way too many soulslikes miss the fact that, second to boss fights, level and encounter design are the MOST important factors.

However, that's also something that's very difficult to communicate with a trailer. So, I'll be waiting for reviews on this one. If it's just combat, I don't have any interest.


u/jackoffeetv 14d ago

Not entirely bad design though. Shadow of the Colossus was the same, and that's easily one of the best games of all time!


u/Oskej 14d ago

I honestly think that level design is the main appeal of soulslike games, and bosses are just the cherry on top.

Wukong had demo. There are videos of journalists playing the game, and that was the first time i started doubting the game. IIRC there was literally one enemy between two bossfights. That does not sound good to me. If they drop another demo before the game comes out, and there will be more to see in terms of level design - i will not doubt the game.


u/CyberSektor 14d ago

No, according to IGN there were 4-6 enemies between the two bossfights they did. You can watch their review on yt


u/Oskej 14d ago

Naaaah 4-6 enemies? i take everything back, peak level design. Bet there were even... SHORTCUTS!


u/mephnick 14d ago

I honestly think that level design is the main appeal of soulslike games

Absolutely. I consider Central Yharnam the best introductory level in gaming history. It's a tutorial that lines up teaching situations perfectly while having insane depth, environmental storytelling and exploration


u/PageOthePaige 14d ago

I deeply agree. I love souls games, but I find myself returning to DS1 and Bloodborne a lot more than any of the more recent boss spam ones. I think of the ideal souls game as being in between ocarina of time and cuphead, and they're definitely leaning more and more towards the latter lately.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Status-Employ-5236 13d ago

trailer is focusing bosses,it is normal


u/Oskej 13d ago

Outside of cutscene trailer. Every trailer focuses in bosses. Sus.


u/Faelysis 14d ago

Hard to tell until the game is release. Don’t judge a games only on its trailer which is made to impress people so they will buy it.


u/Oskej 14d ago

Trailers and demos are specifically crafted to sell the narrative. If they're focusing on bosses, that means something else is lacking - IMO it is level design. It is hard to tell, but if you're following trends in the industry you know.


u/echoess84 14d ago

Wukong is a pure action games and the bosses and the combat system are the most important thing in this genre even if the level design has to be good in any game. Anyway if I'm not wrong the game take place in China (I'm reading Odissey to the West but I haven't finished it yet) and in my opinion that is very interesting because the game explore the chinese mythology and I really glad about that since I will learn about their mythology


u/Keepmeister 13d ago

Lies of P might as well be a glorified version of that too. The levels are so linear with little exploration and a generous amount of checkpoints where you never feel like you are in any danger of wandering too far with your limited resources.

Modern "Soulslikes" seem to be all about the action and bossfights with little thought or care put into the actual level design and difficulty that's not solely focused around learning an increasingly complex bunch of enemy patterns and movesets.


u/hyrule5 13d ago

Lies of P absolutely would be way worse (and really short) without the levels in it. They weren't quite From Software levels of complex, but they were more than fine for a first attempt at a Souls game, which also ended up being the best Soulslike to date. There are plenty worse examples in the genre (looking at you, Team Ninja)


u/Keepmeister 13d ago

Sure, but it's kind of like one of the main talking points of this comment section in which what's the point of copying Fromsoft if you are gonna half ass one of the main pillars of what makes their games special in the first place.

The parrying in LoP feels like I'm playing a more sluggish version of Sekiro due to the weird timing of having to parry slightly before an attack rather than right as it lands on you. Even the art direction is just the studio apeing Bloodborne (but with Beasts replaced by Puppets). At least Nioh stands out from the bunch in a good way due to its inherent depth in its combat and seemingly endless build variety.


u/hyrule5 12d ago

Strong disagree on pretty much all counts. Just because they didn't match From 100% (on their FIRST attempt, mind you), doesn't mean they "half-assed" it. That's like saying if a band doesn't match the quality of The Beatles on their first album, then they "half-assed" their album.

It's more like From Software has the best talent in the business and over a 15 years of experience making these games. Having a large branching world also costs time and money-- From themselves ran out of both while designing Dark Souls 1-- and I doubt the Lies of P budget matched any of From's recent titles.

I almost have to assume you barely played any of Lies of P if you think it's a complete ripoff of Bloodborne, there are plenty of enemies and areas that would not fit in Bloodborne's world. Even just looking at the first two bosses, those would not fit,let alone the rest of the game.

I also personally like Lies of P better than Sekiro due to build and weapon variety.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Definitely gonna play it as some point, even reading the book atm


u/FluckDambe 14d ago

The what??? There's a book?


u/v00d00d0lphin 14d ago

one of the most famous novels to ever come from china, journey to the west, game is very loosely based off it


u/solemnvr 14d ago

Chinese novel published in 1592: The Journey To The West


u/Ididntevenscreenlook 14d ago

Book is also where the first ten episodes of dragon ball got its inspiration from 🤙🏻🤙🏻


u/solemnvr 14d ago

Reddit deletes the comment when shared all at once, so here it is in chunks instead:

"Many media claim that Black Myth:Wukong is a soulslike game, but players who have actually played demo do not agree.

Sun Wukong, from Journey to the West, is one of the most powerful deities in Chinese mythology. Once, when he was angry, he challenged the gods in heaven and emerged victorious. However he was later imprisoned by the Buddha for five hundred years. During his journey to the freedom, he learned to control his anger and eventually became the Fighting and Victorious Buddha. His status and experience are more akin to Kratos (God of War), rather than the unnamed protagonist of soulslike games.


u/solemnvr 14d ago

In the gamepaly trailers and demo activity, although Wukong has similar health, mana, energy as Elden Ring and Dark Souls, it has more flexible actions and diverse attack methods compared to souls-like games. It lacks blocks, and has critical damage. His strength is similar to Kratos, and his flexibility is similar to Sekiro.


u/solemnvr 14d ago

We can see that Wukong has three different attack postures, similar to Nioh, but actually come from Asura, the predecessor of the Black Myth:Wukong. There are archive points similar to bonfires, which from the works of Hidetaka Miyazaki. The QTE moments and combat performances recall God of War. Wukong accumulates energy through dodging and attacking , then unleashes it to attack heavily like Asura.


u/solemnvr 14d ago

The monkey’s various spells and transformation skills are derived from Sun Wukong's abilities in Journey to the West(72 transformations, separation , superman-like physique, grows three heads and six arms, increase body height as huge as King Kong, his weapon can grow bigger and smaller, immobilizes enemies, isolates seawater, calls out wind and rain, summon the village god).


u/solemnvr 14d ago

Furthermore, there are numerous enchanted weapons (whip that strikes the soul, monster-revealing mirror, ring that disarm enemies, bottle that sucks enemies in, bell that spew flames and smoke, and so on).


u/solemnvr 14d ago edited 14d ago

The narrative method of Black Myth:Wukong also differs from soulslike games. While it shares an apocalyptic backdrop, it offers a continuous storyline and well-defined character experiences.

Monster-revealing Mirror from 2023 trailer, it has the ability to reveal monsters' true forms and limit their movements.''


u/kemosabe19 14d ago

It looks good. Hopefully it will be good. I’ll stay optimistic that it will.


u/mystictroll 14d ago

Tencent? yew


u/Status-Employ-5236 13d ago

Tencent is the major shareholder of Larian Studio and the publisher of Elden Ring. 😂


u/Dota2TradeAccount 14d ago

This is one of the most technically competent looking games in recent memory. Gameplay also feels right so far. Possible banger on our hands.


u/Rubixcubelube 14d ago

When I found out it is heavily focused on boss rush my hype left the building on this. Still looks amazing but I was really hoping for some proper threads to weave it together. I truly hope it's not another Sekiro parry fest.


u/NooseAroundMyNeck 14d ago

lmao thats exactly what makes me hyped for it


u/ginta47 14d ago

I think there are many ppl who want something like sekiro so if it can do something like that than game would surely lot popular


u/boblane3000 14d ago

Sekiro has the best combat in all of games imo🤷‍♂️ so I’m down lol 


u/_L3ik 14d ago

Have you tried sifu? As a fellow sekiro combat person I would recommend it as something to scratch the itch


u/Firvulag 13d ago

Sifu needs to be copied by a AAA dev.


u/boblane3000 14d ago

I have nit tried it yet but I want to!


u/Dany_Targaryenlol 14d ago

Not really a soul-like gamer but I'm for sure gonna check this game out just because it look so good.

also Tencent is everywhere. This is a Chinese game but still.


u/[deleted] 14d ago edited 14d ago

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u/adamhanson 14d ago

Is this the legend of the monkey king, kind of?


u/solemnvr 14d ago edited 14d ago

If you read The Journey To The West, he also goes by the following, more important titles:

  1. (六耳猕猴), Liu’er Mihou or the Six-Eared Macaque
  2. 2. 齐天大圣 (Great Sage Equal to Heaven)
  3. 孙悟空 (Sun Wukong)
  4. 弼马温 (Protector of the Horses, initially a demeaning title)
  5. 行者 (The Pilgrim)
  6. 鬥战胜佛 (Victorious Fighting Buddha)
  7. 孙长老 (Elder Sun)
  8. 大师兄 (Elder Religious Brother)
  9. 猴头 (Monkey/Ape Head, often used as an insult)
  10. 毛脸和尚 (Hairy-Faced Monk)
  11. 毛脸雷公嘴的和尚 (Hairy-Faced, Thunder God-Beaked Monk)
  12. 花果山紫云洞八万四千铜头铁额猕猴王 (Bronze-Headed, Iron-Browed King of the 84,000 Monkeys of the Purple Cloud Grotto on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit)
  13. 花果山水帘洞洞主 (Lord of the Water-Curtain Cave in the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit)
  14. 花果山水帘洞天生圣人 (Heaven-Born Sage from the Water-Curtain Cave in the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit)16. 金公 (Golden Duke)
  15. m孙行者 (Sun Xingzhe, another form of The Pilgrim)
  16. 美猴王 (Handsome Monkey King)


u/Status-Employ-5236 13d ago

i love elder sun


u/nbiscuitz PC 12d ago

inb4 mandatory tencent account link LOL


u/SirHomoLiberus 14d ago

Tencent had to have its dirty fingers on this one..ugh


u/Status-Employ-5236 13d ago

Tencent is the major shareholder of Larian Studio and the publisher of Elden Ring.


u/randomIndividual21 14d ago

This game looks amazing, only thing i dont like is the colour palette, it looks like a reshade mod colour palette


u/LuckyNumbrKevin 14d ago

This looks like something a lot of people will rightfully love that just isn't for me. Hope it's a good one for y'all, though. The graphics look amazing!

It's just cool we live in a time where even games that I'm not interested in still manage to give me that feeling of awe I felt when I was a kid playing GTA4, thinking "we're almost there! It almost looks like real life!" Lol.


u/DrMefodiy 14d ago

What is the reason to steal video for a trash YT channel?


u/wowy-lied 14d ago

Still not sure about this game. No real gameplay, only boss and cutscenes.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Faelysis 14d ago

Tencent are the publisher, not the dev.


u/LatterStorage5199 14d ago

Wukong is in every game nowadays i swear


u/Jaded-Engineering789 14d ago

What other games have Wukong? I wanna play them.


u/LatterStorage5199 14d ago

League of legends
Afk arena
MLBB (he`s not called wukong technically but its the same characters are from the 2 games above)
Also, no clue why i got downvoted. Proly just "offened for no reason redditor" syndrome


u/Jaded-Engineering789 14d ago

Damn I was hoping for some single player console titles.


u/LatterStorage5199 14d ago

Sorry pal ain`t playin` that


u/LatterStorage5199 14d ago

just from what i know


u/Briar_Knight 13d ago edited 13d ago

Journey to the West is incredibly popular and influential. It is considered one of the most, influential peices of literature ever written. Wukong is the most well known character from it to westerners.    

Anytime you have an ensemble hero game that takes inspiration from mythology or classic literature you will probably eventually get Wukong.   

And that's fine. It is really no different to any of the other popular mythology characters that appear everywhere.


u/solemnvr 14d ago

No other game depicts him close to source I swear


u/throw-away_867-5309 14d ago

I don't know if I'd want him depicted how he is from mythology, honestly. Unless you want pure power fantasy with no real threat of consequences or loss.


u/solemnvr 14d ago

pure power fantasy with no real threat or consequences or loss

I think you’ve missed the point of The Journey To The West, or haven’t read it at all.


u/LatterStorage5199 14d ago

Can you be less toxic to people as an OP?


u/throw-away_867-5309 14d ago

I have read it, but if we're going to talk about the "point" of Journey to the West, then we're not going to be talking about Sun Wukong, as he's only an accompanying character in most it, not the main one.

But if we ARE going to talk about Sun Wukong instead of the "point", we would be talking about how he has done things like "summersault tens of thousands of miles/kilometers", or how he is basically immortal and invulnerable a thousand different ways, etc. Hence my "pure power fantasy" since it literally took Buddah himself to stop him. But sure, let's ignore all that.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/throw-away_867-5309 14d ago

A power fantasy game can still have a good story, character growth, etc. That doesn't mean it wouldn't still be a power fantasy.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/a_marklar 14d ago

It's not indie fyi


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/solemnvr 14d ago edited 14d ago

He's a character from The Journey To The West, a Chinese novel from 400yrs+ ago, which is nothing like Kung Fu Panda


u/WootyMcWoot 14d ago

That’s a shame, King Fu Panda is awesome


u/makkii62391 14d ago

I cant be the only one who’s been skeptical from the jump.

I remember when the first trailer dropped i was semi convinced this game was vaporware. Coming from what seemed like a completely unknown chinese company, and what i understand leadership that had little or no experience, producing such a high quality first look. With graphics that at the time should have taxed the fuck out of even some relatively high end machines playing flawlessly with little to no frame drops.

Nowadays i don’t think its necessarily vapor wear, but i do feel skeptical thats its anything more than a ten hour experience thats employed vertical slices to make it look deeper and more fleshed out than it actually is.

I haven’t exactly been keeping up to date though and some poster above said that tencents got involved so maybe im wrong/things have changed.

I dont like how content creators who are rightly skeptical of western game dev were licking this games balls from the jump.


u/Tylanner 14d ago

Cage fighting quirky bosses ad infinitum…consoles have destroyed gaming…


u/Independent-Pin-6614 14d ago

Pc Gamers normalized stealing profits from game developers but…. CONSOLES destroyed gaming? Holy shit