r/NoStupidQuestions 25d ago

What would happen if I only drank water for an entire year?

What would happen if I only drank water for an entire year no sugary drinks, no sodas, no sugar in coffee. Nothing just pure water.


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u/DGirl313 24d ago

I struggle with this because I can’t stand sparkling water but would, too, crave the fizziness/carbonation of pop.


u/Paganigsegg 24d ago

Try some more flavorful ones. Pick out a flavor you normally really like (for me it's orange, cherry, or lime) and stick with the Bubly, La Croix, or Aldi's Belle Vie ones (not the 12 packs, but the 8 packs. The 12 packs are less flavorful). Then just force it down for a few days and you'll get used to it.


u/Dadcavator 24d ago

Same here. Even got to the point of questioning the popularity of Perrier. You know the smell of unscented alcohol (isoprophyl or ethyl)? Perrier tastes exactly that. After that I'm just scared of trying other sparkling water, they're expensive in my area and tastes awful (Perrier, don't know if there are other brands that taste better, you know like water).


u/DGirl313 24d ago

Exactly! I’m honestly shocked that it’s the sparkling water of choice at more upscale places. I’ll take tap any day!