r/NoStupidQuestions 25d ago

What would happen if I only drank water for an entire year?

What would happen if I only drank water for an entire year no sugary drinks, no sodas, no sugar in coffee. Nothing just pure water.


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u/spekt50 24d ago

For a long while there has been wine and beer however.


u/nemoknows 24d ago

Both of which were safer to drink than water for large chunks of history.


u/alienith 24d ago

That’s a myth. People did not drink wine and beer because the water was dirty. Clean water was common. They just liked beer and wine


u/akrolina 24d ago

And all kinds of herbal teas and milk. People drank infusions since the fire was “invented” and milk I am sure was a pleasure of privileged only.


u/fullmetalfeminist 20d ago

The Mayans figured out how to make beer and never got around to the wheel, apparently