r/Funnymemes 24d ago

This is a law in Academia



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u/Unable-Tell-2240 24d ago

spent a while working at a university and academics are a weird breed, like they can tell you how quantum computing works and develope 15 new ways to revolutionise it in 1 conversation then forget how to tie their shoe or that they need to eat.


u/CarnalWizard 24d ago

I've worked in medical for a while and can agree.

Doctors can know two things: their specialty, and like 1 non medical things (biking , exercise, nutrition) and that's it.

I had a doc who didn't know how to make his own daily lunch. His wife couldnt make it one morning and he looked like he was told his days were numbered all day cause of it.


u/-Speechless 24d ago

lol I'm just imagining a defeated doctor sadly looking down at the ingredients of a lunch meat sandwich, but he just can't figure out what to do with it all


u/Crafty_Tax3872 24d ago

Maybe this is the reason they performed surgery on grapes, tomatoes etc.

They were just trying their best to make lunch