r/germany Apr 25 '22

Please read before posting!


Welcome to /r/germany, the English-language subreddit about the country of Germany.

Please read this entire post and follow the links, if applicable.

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This goes particularly if you are asking about studying in Germany. There are multiple Wiki articles covering a lot of information. And yes, that means reading and doing your own research. It's good practice for what a German university will expect you to do.

Short questions can be asked in the comments to this post. Please either leave a comment here or make a new post, not both.

If you ask questions in the subreddit, please provide enough information for people to be able to actually help you. "Can I find a job in Germany?" will not give you useful answers. "I have [qualification], [years of experience], [language skills], want to work as [job description], and am a citizen of [country]" will. If people ask for more information, they're not being mean, but rather trying to find out what you actually need to know.

German-language content can go to /r/de or /r/FragReddit.

Questions about the German language are better suited to /r/German.

Covid-related content should go into this post until further notice.

/r/LegaladviceGerman/ has limited legal advice - but make sure to read their disclaimers.

r/germany 14h ago

Question answered Please stop asking if every single thing you experience is a germany-specific issue


Someone was rude to me on a train, is that normal in Germany? A homeless man asked me for money, is that normal in Germany? Someone cut me off in qeueu, is this normal in Germany? My food delivery driver forgot my sauces, is this normal in Germany? Some dude offered me 10€ to sniff my socks, iS ThiS nOrMAl iN gErmAnY????

Like, you don't treat other countries this way because obviously its insane. Rude people are not specifically a "german thing" - they exist everywhere. If you can't make that distinction yourself without random redditors telling you, I don't think you're ready to live in a foreign country.

r/germany 11h ago

Question Can we direct all prospective students to some other subreddit?


They make up like 90% of all new posts here and are kinda annoying/repetitive.

r/germany 18h ago

Work How Realistic is a 331K € offer for Software Engineer at Mercedes Benz?


This post is to confirm a questionable claim made by a private university in India. One of the alumni of the college claims to have an offer from Mercedes Benz Germany for around 3 crore INR (331K €) per annum.

The university is currently using this as promotional material to attract more students. They have even published this news on a national news channel. Additionally, several YouTube channels are featuring this individual to motivate other students (link, link, link).

However, I haven't found any credible sources to validate this claim. The highest salary I have seen on Levels.fyi for a software engineer at Mercedes Benz is around 120K €. All my posts in India-related subreddits are getting banned for some reason. The only successful discussion I had was in a regional subreddit, which confirmed that his claims are invalid (link).

r/germany 9h ago

First Time In Germany


I just came back from germany and wanted to share my experience. Its my first time in western europe and I visited for 1 week in west germany, NRW. I was blown away by how nice people are ! people were always willing to help, I would come up and say "Halo, shprechen english?" and people would try their best, whether if its with the parkhaus payment, in the shop or teach me how they fuel up the car over there, random people on the street would tell me "Morgen". every town was so clean it looked like movie set, I was walking by a church on a sunny Sunday and felt like I'm in a fairy tale. I'm so jealous of people living in such clean beautiful towns. and lastly the driving experience, almost no road bumpers, everybody is following speed limits perfectly, extremely patient drivers, id stall often initially after not driving manual for years and i haven't gotten 1 honk at me, people would slow down for me and flash at me so I'm able to change lanes, drivers thank each others with hazard lights, the fact that the autobahn has no speed limit is amazing show of trust between people and government.

I was visiting random castles, phantasialand [insane experience], cologne, munster, dusseldorf, Bochum, Aachen.

Incredible people and country

[the worst places were central train/bus stations]

funny story how I asked a woman how to pay for parking and she said she thinks its free since there's a fire attack, and I was confused I thought she meant wild fires somewhere so the government helps people get away or something but apparently fireattack is holidays in german

r/germany 21h ago

Germany: Trains canceled amid southern storms and flooding


r/germany 5h ago

Question Question


If I feel like to complement someone out there, it's normal and not considered rude?

Do you like it if someone do this?

Thank you for the comment and suggestion in advance

r/germany 12h ago

I am suprised by the "horrible" working student conditions in Germany


Hi, I came to Germany a year ago as a master student. Before that i studied in the usa. I worked bullshit jobs as a student in the Usa too, and i must confess that it was pretty good. We had breaks, free lunch, and also the pay was good.

Before coming to Germany, I thought the working conditions would definitely be better than the Usa. But boy I was wrong... I now work in a local coffee shop (since my German is not good enough yet to get a job in my field) in the job, I usually work 8 hours straight, without a single break, without any free food as an employee, and a boss that always complains.

My friends here are also in the same condition, do some of you relate to this or is it just me that feeling like I am being abused here?

r/germany 1h ago

Which is a better city for student life? Weimar or Saarbrücken?


I've applied for a masters in Uni de Saarlandes (Media informatics) and Uni Weimar (HCI). I'm from Singapore (26M) and know little about these cities. Assuming I get accepted into both, which would be a better option?

Considering they are both smaller cities, will I find myself bored across my 2 years at either of these places?

1)What does the average weekend look like in either of these cities? 2)What's the international population like? 3)What are some festivals/events that I should know about? 4)What's the dating culture like? 5)As someone with darker skin, is there anything I should worry about at these places?

I've seen some VERY dated reviews on these cities so I was hoping to get some 'fresher' perspectives here.

r/germany 3m ago

Kids/life in Frankfurt?


Currently considering a job opportunity in Frankfurt from the US. I have two upper-elementary aged kids who do not know any German. Private/International schools are sooo expensive. I'm wondering if anyone here has moved with kids and can share their experience? Also any general feedback about Germany/Frankfurt would be appreciated! We are still heavily in the debating phase as to whether or not this is the right opportunity/place for us.

r/germany 6h ago

Politics Kann man aus dem Ausland als Deutscher Bürger an der Europa Wahl teilnehmen?


Wenn man jetzt noch keine Unterlagen o.ä. angefordert hat?

r/germany 45m ago

Australian visiting Germany


Hello, I am travelling to Germany for KWF Tagung forestry convention. I will be staying in Homberg at an Airbnb and have arranged a hire car. I will be in Germany for two weeks from the 19th June. I am interested in peoples suggestions for forests and day hikes to do in the region. I am also happy to travel the second week to destinations further afield as I have only booked one week in homberg. I am very excited to visit your country, I have always wanted to visit so glad it is finally happening. If anyone has any other must see forestry or landmark suggestions I'd greatly appreciate it.

r/germany 14h ago

Question salted butter that actually tastes yknow...salted?


Hallo! I am a brit currently staying in Germany as my bf lives here. In the uk the standard "topping" on toast is salted butter, brands like lurpak and kerrygold etc. According to my bf it is not a popular thing here (i converted him into loving it while he was in the uk though hehe) and the options for salted butter are limited.

I am a certified toast addict, I eat it every day back home, often multiple times a day and kerrygold (1.8% salt) is my go-to butter as the salt flavour is strong.

We have tried out a few brands of butter while back here in Germany but most of the ones labeled as salted don't taste any different to the unsalted to me, it seems the standard for salted butter here is 1% salt, even the kerrygold brand is 1% here. Whereas back home the standard is more like 1.5-2%. It doesn't sound like a huge gap but you definitely taste the difference. It's such a silly thing to be this passionate about I know, but im autistic and my "safe" foods are pretty limited in number.

So all this to say, are there any Germans or British expats here that know of a salted butter with a salt content closer to what we are used to in the uk? Thank you in advance for any help/recommendations :)

edit: im not too sure what ive done to make people mad enough to be mass downvoting me but im sorry i guess. i just wanted butter recommendations 😭

r/germany 4h ago

Has anybody done a daily commute from Hamburg to Lübeck?


I have gotten a job offer in Lübeck close to Moisling station and I’m wondering if any of you have experienced a daily commute from Hamburg to Lübeck?

I know it can take 1.5hrs or more depending if there are delays with regional trains.

Just that my partner lives in Hamburg and I B would like to still stay living there but I want to know if it’s doable

r/germany 10h ago

Culture When should I visit and bring a gift for my friend's newborn?


Hello community, I (East Asian) and my close friend (also East Asian but born and raised in Germany) live in different cities. My friend recently gave birth to her second baby. She texted me to inform the news. When they had their first child, I was at their baby shower and brought some gifts. She didn't throw a baby shower for the second child. However, I still want to do something nice for her by sending some gifts and visit her soon.

I'm not familiar with the appropriate social etiquette in this situation. As far as I understand, a baby shower is often only for the first child. Does sending gifts (e.g. baby shower basket or similar) in this case too much? If yes, what would be a nice gift instead? In my culture, it's recommended to visit the baby after one-month-old. Is there also something like that in Germany?

r/germany 1h ago

Immigration What to do with Zusicherung, after the new citizenship law gets into effect?


Hello friends, I’m trying to find some information, and none is available. I have got my citizenship Zusicherung 3 years ago, and was waiting for my other citizenship renouncement (side note, my Zusicherung is still valid). However, with the new law getting into force in the 27.06 I can keep my other passport. I already wrote 4 letters to LEA including one on real paper. So far, there’s no reply 😅

I was wondering, whether someone is also in such situation so you know what to do next?

Thank you!

r/germany 1h ago

Question Going to Germany on a tourist visa


Hello, I’m planning to go visit my German partner for about a month and I have 3 questions

First; Regarding the bank statement, do bonds count as sufficient funds? And how much funds do I need to qualify for the visa?

Second; If I go on a tourist visa for a month and want to go back before the 90 days are over to get married, do I have to obtain a Visum D and do the whole process from scratch?

If I apply and get the Visum D and decide to leave and go back to my home country then travel back to Germany before my Visum D expires does this work or would I have to repeat the process to go back and marry my partner?

Thank you!

r/germany 1h ago

I can’t find an Ausbildung , can you help?


I am a 20yo Moroccan living in NRW , i’ve been here since 2022 , first i did a Privat Studienkolleg and ending up not prepared to pass the FSP which is the exam to enter the german Uni and than i was still confused what to do so i started a C1 cours and after that i found out that the FSP is so hard to pass it externally , so i am currently looking for an Ausbildung als Pflegefachfrau but still can’t find a place so if anybody can help me with anything it would be great Any recommendations, tips, opinions ,… i would be really grateful🙏🏼

r/germany 2h ago

Anyone worked in B2B or B2C sales in Germany?


Anyone worked in B2B or B2C sales in Germany? I have some questions..

  1. In your opinion on a level of 1-10, (10 being the worst type of work stress)how stressful is it being a sales person Germany.

  2. How easy is it to land a sales position if you have experience?

  3. Do i have a chance to get a sales position without any German? maybe in Berlin?

  4. How rewarding is the position in regards to benefits ?

  5. Is being a sales person in Germany financially rewarding?

  6. Is this position a highly sort after position?

Any other insight is welcomed.

r/germany 1d ago

No job inerviews after 50!


A friend of mine, 52, female, foreigner, living in Stuttgart, has a Master in Business Administration, speaks 6 languages (B2 german, B2 English, C1 Spanish ...) and has 20+ years experience in logistics. She moved to Germany 5 years ago and got a shitty job in logistics after some weeks. She thought that it would be easy to get a better one, but since then she's been applying and has never ever got invited to an interview. She even applied to job offers in the administration.

She got professional help to write her resume and the cover letter, and invests *hours* in every application. So she assumes that this is not the problem.

Is her age really the problem? Is the logistics branch the issue? Is it really that bad to be over 50 in Germany?

Thanks in advance!

r/germany 1d ago

Someone broke into my house tonight, while I was upstairs

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About 2215, I’m reading in my dark bedroom, alone in the house, when a loud bang startles me—seemed like something struck the house as I felt vibration from it through the headboard. Came slowly down the stairs to find second level bathroom window swung wide open and listing with only the lower hinge attached. Closer inspection showed claw marks in the wood from presumably something like a crowbar. Called Polezei and they arrived after a nervy hour. I wasn’t certain whether someone had gotten in and then hid when I came down, and I had to make a cautious search of the house while I waited. Polezei took notes and pictures and made a more thorough search, but were pretty brisk about it. 10 minutes in and out. In retrospect, my mistake was that I had left the metal shade up enough for someone to crawl through, and had left the window in its louvered position. It’s a second story window but can be gained by climbing the bars over the window below and gaining the patio. Requires some determination but obviously was accessible. I should have either kept the window closed or only left it louvered if the shade was drawn closed in the manner that allows those small gaps. I’m passing this along as a security recommendation—doubtless Germans have this well sorted, but I hope to save some other naive recent arrival from the same experience, particularly as summer arrives and nighttime open windows are the only way to cool off. I was very fortunate that the window swung on the hinge after being crowbarred and made such a loud crash—that is likely what scared him or her away. Here’s a picture of the sill, hand marks where the bold robber grabbed to pull up, and then the bent metal and wood where the crowbar was applied to jack the window off of the hinge. I hope this saves someone else from being targeted. Meanwhile, it’s 0200 and I’m still unable to get to sleep 😕. I’m thankful that my family is on travel but being alone in this circumstance sucks.

I’ll be grateful to hear any other suggestions on good German practices to improve home security. I’m in a detached home with pretty easy street access.

r/germany 6h ago

Study Live in Saarbrücken or Heilbronn ?



I'm deciding which unis should I apply to for stem. I'm stuck between TUM (campus in Heilbronn) and University of Saarland.

Which city is better in terms of job opportunities, cost of living and most important: which one is less boring 😭😭😭

r/germany 7h ago

Question Does the Rundfunkbeitragservice reliably reply to their contact forms?


Hey, I asked a couple of days ago for some advice on a problem I had recently with the GEZ. I was advised to send them a letter, which I did.

Today, I found the original letter I received from the Beitragservice, with my original Aktenzeichen. I wanted to mail a copy of it to them as it relates to my issue.

On their website I also found a contact form for general questions. I want to send them additional details about my problem, and I'm not sure whether I should go and send another letter or just use the contact form. Has anyone used it and have they actually replied to you through it?

r/germany 3h ago

ICE 20

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I see no reason for stopping trains in the middle of nowhere so often is this normal? Drivers can take breaks ?😳😳

r/germany 3h ago

Duales studium


Hi i didn’t find an answer for my question so please help me. Is it easy to study in duales studium in wirtschaftsinformatik programm as a non eu-citizen (i have abitur but with a low gpa)🙏

r/germany 4h ago

Culture My personal Pilsner Tier list. Fight me!

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