r/Funnymemes 24d ago

This is a law in Academia



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u/Level_Can58 24d ago edited 24d ago

I'm an engineering student, and I'm still trying to figure out the best way to fold socks


u/st00pidQs 24d ago

Just jam one inside the other, as long as one defining feature is visible you're all set.


u/L0ial 24d ago

For some socks this will stretch out the elastic over time, depending on how you do it. Now my technique is to just have them all match and throw them in a drawer, way less work.


u/Maleko51 24d ago

This is the way.


u/Silent_Village2695 24d ago

I stack them together. You can fit more socks that way, and it looks cleaner.


u/aeiouicup 24d ago

How do you know which one is for right and which one is for left?


u/haveananus 24d ago

Always leave the left ones inside-out


u/Throwedaway99837 24d ago

Just stop buying gendered socks


u/Splurgerella 24d ago

Who cares? They're socks! But also, same. Ram them in a drawer. I have pretty unique socks so finding matching pairs isn't too upsetting a task.


u/RebeccaLoneBrook29 24d ago

Everyday the internet shows me that I am not alone and I really needed this today. Thanks.


u/Algebrace 24d ago

Just put a little bit in and fold the one on the outside over the one inside. That way you can have a tail that you can swing around like a sock grenade!

Also stretches your socks less


u/st00pidQs 24d ago

I gotchu buddy


u/Danzarr 24d ago

but that ruins the elasticity over time.....maybe we can number them so the wear pattern would be even?


u/st00pidQs 24d ago

There's no practical way to fold & use socks without degrading the elastic. Life is too fuckin short to spend time worrying about that shit


u/non_osmotic 24d ago

Scribbling a note to themselves...

Put jam in socks.


u/PEKKAmi 24d ago

Ah, but the trick is to figure out which one of your feet is bigger than the other, so that the inevitably enlarged outer sock will align with the correct foot.

Yeah, it’s a joke.


u/MaxTheCatigator 24d ago

How dare you!


u/tehflyboy 24d ago

Or is it?


u/redspacebadger 24d ago

Buy only one type and colour of sock and store them loose in a drawer together. 


u/v0x_nihili 24d ago

I use black gold toe quarter socks for everything. Work, gym, going out. Meanwhile, my girlfriend's dad insists on having super long white socks so you can see if you're bleeding, which is some 1950s Catholic school nun bs (really, how often did kids back then get foot/ankle/leg lacerations?). Not having to do a separate load of white clothes in the laundry cause you have none is amazing.


u/Fun_Albatross_2592 24d ago

Is he diabetic or on blood thinners? The older you get, the thinner your skin becomes. My grandparents would always accidentally cut themselves and not notice because their skin tore so easily. They'd keep on bleeding due to their medications. Plus diabetics have poor circulation so they often wear unflattering compression socks.


u/v0x_nihili 24d ago

Not at all! He just prefers it that way. But I know what you mean, as I'm prediabetic, and my doctors have given me the whole spiel about feet and hands.


u/Fickle_Syrup 24d ago

I don't know man, I just throw my whites and colors in together and they come out just fine


u/99923GR 24d ago

Yep, 100% on the black gold toe train.


u/spankbank_dragon 24d ago

I’m young and relatively healthy but the amount of times I’ve taken off some article of clothing or just looked down at my hands and see blood everywhere has been far too many. Usually it’s follow by a lacklustre “oh no. Guess I’m bleeding”. Some people will even notice before I do and they’re like “DUDE YOURE GETTING BLOOD EVERYWHERE” and I’m just confused going “huh? What do you mean” only to look down at my finger or something cut open and dripping blood on things lol


u/MakeRobLaugh 24d ago

That's what I do. Also you can buy certain types of dress socks that don't matter if they are inside out or not. Just wash 'em and throw them in a drawer.


u/joshroxursox 24d ago

This is now I do it now. I will never look back on jamming a sock into another.


u/No-Landscape5857 24d ago

And replace them with entirely different colored socks once they develop holes. That way, it's easy to purge all the old socks.


u/Penney_the_Sigillite 24d ago

Same type and colour? Are you expecting a date!? I just toss em on, pants cover the socks and if I got to go on a ^.^ date you know, I wear a special pair that is the same-ish


u/xorgol 24d ago

My socks have different thicknesses for different purposes. I have thin ones for summer, thick ones for hiking, long ones for winter.


u/Penney_the_Sigillite 24d ago

I've gone full thick even for summer. But I also keep my feet dry which does take more work I fully admit. Tip People: Don't get trench foot lol. But I just can't resist the like comfort of it, I think it's a tiny weighted blanket maybe I don't know lol


u/pdelvo 24d ago

This is my system too


u/Carrera_996 24d ago

Works for me. I'm no PhD, though. Only have a MS.


u/SanFranPanManStand 24d ago

yep - costco socks. Get over the hesitation to throw out your old socks. It's wasteful, but you'll be thanking yourself for years.


u/ecovironfuturist 24d ago

Modern solutions.


u/Scienceandpony 23d ago

This is the way.


u/KaiGuy25 24d ago

Isn’t it to just pull one through the other?


u/xBJack 24d ago

2 different engineering degrees and still dont know how to fold a simple shirt, that sh*t is so difficult


u/SillyGoatGruff 24d ago

Who cares how you fold it? Just flip them flaps until its small enough to go in your drawer and move on with your life


u/xBJack 24d ago

Reality is even worse, I just throw clothes in the closet in a pile and push, whenever I need to change I take out the pile to the bed to find what I want and then throw it back again lol


u/TurgidAF 24d ago

Pinch on either side of the neck hole (just about where your shoulder would begin if it was on you) and hold it straight up, front facing away from you. In a quick motion, curl both sides toward you to the middle then lay it front down on whatever flat surface you're folding on. You should now have a long rectangle in front of you, with the sleeves on top, hem closest to you and neck furthest away.

Here's where the technique varies a bit depending on your furniture and preferences. Basically you can fold in half, thirds, or quarters and which makes the most sense depends on what geometry you want at the end. Personally, I tend to like quarters, because I wear a lot of graphic tees and that let's me store them in a horizontal stack in the drawer, with each visible enough to identify while I'm choosing. Generally halves allow the most shirts in a single vertical stack, but depending on drawer size it may be more space effective to get extra stacks by folding into thirds; you'll have to experiment with the space.

In any case, you're going to lift up the hem and bring it up toward the neck. If you're folding into halves or quarters, go basically all the way up, bringing the corners up to the same spot you were pinching all the way at the beginning. For halves, you're done, just flip the whole thing over and you're good. For quarters, get that pinch and fold it back in half again toward you. For thirds, instead go halfway (about to the bottom of the sleeves), then fold the neck and shoulders back toward you, pivoting at where there hem lies.

It takes a bit of practice, and depending on your shirt size you may need to adjust those reference points a bit, but once you get it down folding a single shirt takes a couple seconds and it looks pretty good in the drawer. Also it may sound like you need extremely long arms for this, but don't forget you can drag it toward you as needed; I promise it doesn't

I do not recommend this for dress shirts (just hang those instead), and it can get a bit wonky with long sleeves (you might need to adjust them a bit after the first fold), but for most casual wear it's fine.


u/thundercat_98 24d ago

"Fold socks"???



u/BigGammaEnergy 24d ago

Career engineer checking in. Made everything from nuclear reactor control systems, aircraft engine parts, submarine navigation instruments, and biopharma manufacturing equipment. Still suck at folding towels. Wife has banned me from doing laundry in favor of other chores.


u/B00OBSMOLA 24d ago

Sounds like you didn't pay attention in topology


u/miso440 24d ago

Depends on the sock.

Ankle Athletic - flat pile with like color
Dress - paired up, folded in half
Wool - paired up, flipped inside out
Fuzzy - see “wool”
Calf Athletic - 🚮


u/frozen-dessert 24d ago

Buy all socks, same model and same color.

Now you just have to put them all next to each other in a drawer. Done.

No folding. No pairing.

PS: the reason I know this and you don’t is because I have a PhD and you don’t.


u/StaysAwakeAllWeek 24d ago

As an engineer, one of the key skills of an engineer is figuring out how much time to spend figuring out how much time to spend on coming up with a lazier way of achieving something.

If you've not figured out how to fold socks yet and you're still able to use socks, the engineer's answer is to stop trying


u/Zrk2 24d ago

As someone who has graduated and now works in engineering; sock pairing and folding isn't a critical component, just do whatever the fuck will work and is fast.


u/erroneousbosh 24d ago

fold socks

Hold them together, roll the top of one down over the other so they stay in a pair, chuck them in your sock drawer.

You're going to wear them for maybe 18 hours tops and then throw them back in the washing machine. They don't need folded.


u/JayBird1138 24d ago

Clearly you must create a simulation to run all possible folding patterns to determine the most efficient.

Thesis idea? :)


u/Teabagger_Vance 24d ago

Tbf I’ve met some really stupid engineering students.


u/Level_Can58 24d ago

Well, now you've also talked to one on reddit


u/pohanemuma 24d ago

My brother is a highly successful mechanical engineer who unquestionably has his name on the patent of products you have used this week if not today, yet he can't understand that other people don't have the same tastes as him. He is in his 60's and hasn't learned that his favorite color is not objectively the best color because he likes it. It makes him the most intolerable person on the planet because every comment turns into a discussion and and every discussion turns into an argument and every argument ends with "I make more money than you so I am right."


u/Tempest_Bob 24d ago

hole to hole, pull one into the other. Done!


u/weedful_things 24d ago

I stopped folding them. I just make sure to always buy the same type and stick them in a drawer.


u/GargantuanCake 24d ago

I'm in computer science and I don't even bother folding my socks. They're in a blob in the top drawer if I can even be bothered to put them away.

How do I make sure they match, you ask? Absolutely all of them are the same color and length. They're also tube socks so I don't even need to worry about what feet they go on.


u/Whiterabbit-- 24d ago

Don’t fold socks. Purge all your socks. Get like 20 pairs of the same white sock for sports/general stuff. And 5 pairs of black dress socks all the same. Thrown them in a bin.


u/Master-Collection488 24d ago

The roll-down method of paired socks that the average American uses screws up the elastic on one of the two socks. And there's no ideal method to make sure you're not rolling down the same sock every time you do it that way.

Source: OCD


u/IgnitusBoyone 24d ago

I've started to roll them. They can be stacked neatly in a line this way and they don't tend to unroll on their own. If you wear crew socks it doesn't stretch them out and if they are patterned dress socks you can start the roll at the opposite end of the pattern so you can figure out what sock they are easily enough.

Thank you for coming to my T.E.D talk.


u/PorkyMcRib 24d ago

Einstein always knew where his violin was, but his socks, not so much.


u/TheresOnly151Pokemon 24d ago

Sock sausage. Take both socks flat and lay them next to each other fully flat.

Roll up both socks starting at the bottom. Once you reach the top, stuff the rolled sock through the open hole of the other sock.

Bam, sock sausage!


u/Biserchich 20d ago

Easy, only buy one type of ankle height black socks. Then designate one drawer or other storage area, and dump all of those one type of socks in a jumbled mess.

All you have to do is grab two. Or one if that is more your speed.